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20 Incredibly Powerful and Creative Retro Gaming Ads

20 Incredibly Powerful and Creative Retro Gaming Ads


Mike Tyson's Punch Out - Nintendo 1987

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Intellivision 1982

E.T. - Atari 1982



X-Man - Gamex 1983


Megamania - Activision 1982


SNK - Neo-Geo

Tutankham - Parker Brothers 1982

Pac-Man / Galaxian - Coleco 1981


Nintendo - Total Action Gear


Lightboy - Nintendo 1989


Frogger - Sega 1981


Star Wars Jedi Arena - Parker Brothers 1983

Super Pac-Man - Namco 1982

Bad Dudes - Data East - Nintendo 1989


The Simpsons Bart vs. The Space Mutants - Sega 1991


Super Mario 2 - Mattel - Nintendo 1988


Nintendo Gear


Spy Hunter - Commodore 64 1984


World Wrestling - Tecmo - Nintendo 1989


Rush'n Attack - Konami - Nintendo 1985


Joseph Crisafi
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